Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Food Foundry - Crepe Cake @ Section 17, Petaling Jaya

近期想起之前朋友买过的法式千层蛋糕,相当美味!回到KL后就突然有想去吃的感觉。可是并不知到哪里买。问了朋友后,原来那个店叫Food Foundry,地点在Section 17 PJ,不是很远而已。就心血来潮的晚上冲去那边找找。结果,还满幸运的找到了。点了四个味道(Vanilla,Chocolate,Strawberry,及mango),不错不错,如果那个蛋糕冷冷的话应该会更美味了。





有兴趣想尝试的朋友,从SS2的方向去到星洲日报的交通圈,然后转9点(现在改为十字路口了,就转左边), 然后就一直走到下个交通灯转左,又一直走到下个交通灯转左,之后你会看到SHELL油站在你左手边。过了SHELL,看左边有路口就转进去,然后你会看到一些Flat楼(旧旧的),Food Foundry就在Flat楼下边。没有想到这个地方竟然有好吃的Crepe Cake。哈哈

BG-8, Happy Mansion, Jalan 17/13, Section 17, Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03 7955 3885
Opening times: Mon-Fri, 11.30am-10pm; Sat, 11am-11pm; Sun, 2pm-10pm.

Nikon D7000 - 我来了!

单身后总觉得有点无聊了。开始想买回个单眼来玩下。LX5是不错,可是不是很喜欢ISO400开始容易有noise的照片,也不知道如何能在LX5里玩外闪。想了想,终于又回到了DSLR的世界。之前是习惯了Canon,可是这次不知道为什么为nikon D7000着迷了。呵呵

终于13th November 2011,在朋友的陪同下,冒着大雨去了digitalmall的gadget shop里,和patrick买了Nikon D7000。

我的D7000 + Tamron的1750mm F2.8 non VC...


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Distance Fare Scheme for Singapore Public Transport

Today I saw a news reported in Mypaper where it mentioned if we transfer (From MRT <> MRT / MRT <> Bus) within 45 Minutes, then its consider as 1 journey thus the fare will accumulated.

Total travel time must be made within 2 hours of the first boarding.

More information:

With the Adult stored value card/concession card, you can enjoy up to 5 transfers a journey when all conditions for transfer are met.
To qualify for a valid transfer, please ensure that your transfer is made within the allowed time :
  • From MRT/LRT to bus, bus to bus, or bus to MRT/LRT, you must transfer to the next service within 45 minutes of exit from MRT/LRT gate or from tapping the card on the bus exit card-reader.
  • For all concessionary travel on buses or trains, the time allowed for the next transfer will also be 45 minutes of exit from MRT/LRT gate or from tapping the card on the bus exit card-reader.
  • The transfers on a journey must be made within 2 hours of the first boarding on the same journey.

The same adult stored value / concession card must be used on two successive portions of your journey.
The following do not qualify as valid transfers:
  • MRT to MRT transfer does not qualify as a valid transfer but does not affect eligibility for subsequent transfer to bus (valid transfer will be awarded to or from MRT only once per journey)
  • Transfer between MRT and LRT (if passenger exits from the paid areas of both systems)
  • Transfer from a bus to another of the same service number or to/from a subsidiary service that does not qualify for a transfer.
  • Transfer to/from Sentosa Bus, Night Services, C & CT services
  • If Bus Concession Pass (BCP), Train Concession Pass (TCP) or Hybrid Concession Pass (HCP) is used
  • After fifth transfer

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

i-City 灯光城 @ Shah Alam @ 21st March 2011 - LX5


在这里拍摄其实有点难度。因为这里都是靠LED来发光,所以周围是黑漆漆的。在这种情况下,就无法使用相机的曝光模式。只好用手动模式-M mode... 然后由于没有闪光灯,如果要拍人的话,只好”借光“。 哈LX5的表现,没有让我失望。顺便一提,基于这里的灯光很复杂,我觉得最好不要使用Auto white balance。


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Texas Chicken 炸鸡

某天不知道要吃什么,就看到了Texas Chicken的广告,卖相看起来不错就去尝试尝试了。

点了这个$5.90 promotion的炸鸡...一个鸡腿(只是能要鸡腿/鸡翼)然后两个鸡肉块,及一个松脆的饼干( )

另外,我也点了一个薯泥来吃吃。感觉上还不错,不过觉得它的original口味比较好吃,反而spicy的话我还是比较喜欢KFC的。它的薯泥和KFC的差不多,薯泥的话我觉得popeye的就真的很好吃。这个Texas炸鸡的饼干就让我觉得最好吃的,饼干还是热的及带有很香的牛油味道。好吃好吃,不过建议只是吃一块就够了,不然会很腻~  这个promotion的分量看起来不多,不过我还吃的满饱下的。呵呵...

薯泥,不够热 -_-


Chee Jean and Pea Fun Wedding @ 20th March 2011

在新加坡不知不觉已经工作了将近3个月。来到这里工作后,就少了见到朋友们的机会。最可惜的是无法参与朋友们的婚礼。之前由于无法拿到假期,参加不到wahwai的婚礼,觉得很遗憾下。这次幸亏我休息的时间配合到chee jean的婚礼,就兴致勃勃的赶回KL参加他们的婚礼。趁机尝试下刚刚买的LX5,拍拍照片,留留纪念。哈


Monday, March 14, 2011

Singapore << >> Kuala Lumpur

At this moment I am searching for information to travel between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur via public transport. Nowadays, most of the peoples choose to take flight if able to get a low air fares. However, if want to take bus or train, can refer to the information below:

Train (KTMB)
If depart from Singapore to KL, the fare is in SGD. Therefore, it is recommended to depart from Johor (JB Sentral). JB Sentral is connected to both the CIQ and City Square by pedestrian overhead bridges. 

How to go Woodland Checkpoints?
In between Woodland Interchange <> JB Sentral, can take 950
In between Woodland Interchange <> Tampines, can take 168 / 969 
In between Woodland Checkpoints <> Bugis Queen Street (walking distance to Bugis MRT), can take CW2 / 170 / SJE. (Recommend to take CW2 as it directly go to Bugis Queen Street)

Some useful links:,608167740


刚刚看了人家的食物blog,发觉到自己也是有个blog的哦...所以就来看看,发觉到自从7月到现在没有更新了啊...paiseh paiseh...



结果,我买了Panasonic Lumix的 LX5...
